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Teaching in Room 9

3rd Grade Lessons

A collection of 3rd Grade Lessons from Teaching In Room 9.

Using Context Clues/Space Week Blast Off | 3rd Reading/Math

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Campers will learn about context clues to determine the meaning of nonsense words. (28m 55s)

Adapting to Change: Ecosystems Change Overtime | 3rd Science

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Students learn what Missouri looked like millions of years ago. (27m 42s)

Self-Monitoring | I Love Word Problems | 3rd Reading/Math

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Students learn to self-monitor by asking themselves the question "Does it sound right?" (26m 56s)

Literal & Non-literal Phrases | Line Plots |3rd Reading/Math

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Students determine the meaning of non-literal phrases & review creating a line plot. (27m 44s)

Using Context Clues | Bar Graphs | 3rd Reading/Math

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Students practice using context clues and how to create a bar graph. (27m 28s)

Observing Weather| 3rd Grade Science

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Students learn to describe the climate they live in and climates around the world. (28m 28s)

Decoding Prefixes/Snow-Ticings & Wonderings|3rd Reading/Math

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Students will learn about common prefixes & decode the meaning of words that have them. (27m 45s)

Volume | 3rd Grade Math

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In this lesson, Mrs. Brewer introduces the concept of volume to the students. (28m 57s)

Missouri Capital History | 3rd Grade Social Studies

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Students review how Missouri became the 24th state. (26m 45s)

Making Connections to A Text | 3rd Grade Reading

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Students will practice making connections to a text to build their comprehension. (27m 42s)

How Things Move - Magnetism | 3rd Grade Science

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In this lesson, students explore magnetism through several hands-on investigations. (28m)

Liquid Measurements | 3rd Grade Math

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Students are introduced to ways to measure liquids using a GallonBot. (27m 21s)

Asking Questions About A Text | 3rd Grade Reading

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Students will practice asking & answering questions about a text to build comprehension. (29m 22s)

Visualizing Texts | 3rd Grade Reading

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Students practice visualizing a text to build their comprehension. (27m 55s)

Monitoring Your Comprehension of Texts | 3rd Grade Reading

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In this lesson, students will practice monitoring their comprehension. (28m 18s)

Measurement | 3rd Grade Math

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In this lesson, students are introduced to the US Customary System of measurement. (28m 8s)

Area & Perimeter w/ Standard Units of Measurement| 3rd Math

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Students put together what they learned about area and perimeter. (28m 9s)

Missouri Compromise | 3rd Grade Social Studies

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Students will be able to understand the Missouri Compromise. (25m 6s)

How Things Move - Pendulum Motion and Gravity | 3rd Science

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Students explore physics topics of pendulums and gravity through playground activities. (27m 41s)

Authors Purpose - Day 4 | 3rd Grade Reading

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Students review the reasons why an author might write a text and sort a sample of text. (27m 54s)

Additive Area | 3rd Grade Math

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In this lesson, students go over finding the area of two quadrilaterals put together. (28m 38s)

Riddle Me a Polygon | 3rd Grade Math

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Mrs. Brewer presents the students with riddles that they must solve. (28m 39s)

Authors Purpose - Day 3 | 3rd Grade Reading

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Learn about when authors choose to write with the purpose of entertaining their readers. (27m 46s)

Authors Purpose - Day 2| 3rd Grade Reading

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Learn about when authors choose to write with the purpose of informing their readers. (27m 41s)

Authors Purpose - Day 1 | 3rd Grade Reading

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When authors choose to write with the purpose of persuading their readers. (27m 4s)

Making Inferences - Day 4 | 3rd Reading

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Students review about what an inference is and they will use their inferencing skills. (28m 3s)

How Things Move - Friction | 3rd Grade Science

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Students explore frictional force through investigations using a scooter. (27m 58s)

The Gateway to the West | 3rd Grade Social Studies

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Students learn the routes that started at the “Jumping Off Point” in Independence MO. (26m 48s)

Area and Perimeter | 3rd Grade Math

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Students go over the meaning of area and perimeter. (29m 4s)

Perimeter | 3rd Grade Math

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Students introduced to perimeter and practice finding the distance around rectangles. (29m)

Making Inferences - Day 3 | 3rd Grade Reading

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Students review what an inference is and use their skills to help answer questions. (28m 11s)

Making Inferences - Day 2 | 3rd Grade Reading

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Students review about what an inference is and they will use their inferencing skills. (28m 1s)

Array for Area | 3rd Grade Math

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Students learn how to write an equation to find the area of rectangles. (29m 1s)

Making Inferences - Day 1 | 3rd Reading

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Students learn about what an inference is and help to find the sender of a secret package. (27m 50s)

Area | 3rd Grade Math

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Students learn the meaning of the word area and learn how to find area. (29m 28s)

Sacajawea & York and Corps of Discovery | 3rd Social Studies

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Students do a short quiz to review what they have learned about Lewis & Clark. (29m 52s)

Observing Weather Patterns/Solutions to Hazards| 3rd Science

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Students explore a levee & the engineering design cycle to solve problems around flooding. (28m 21s)

Fact Family Division | 3rd Grade Math

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Students will go over multiplication facts and rewrite them as division facts. (28m 57s)

Cause and Effect - Day 4 | 3rd Grade Reading

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Students review cause and effect. (28m 10s)

Division with Arrays | 3rd Grade Math

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Students are introduced to using arrays as a strategy to solve division problems. (28m 44s)

Cause and Effect- Day 3 | 3rd Grade Reading

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Students will review cause and effect. (28m 2s)

Division to Find an Unknown Number of Groups | 3rd Math

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Students go over scenarios to solve for the number of groups. (29m 15s)

Cause and Effect- Day 2 | 3rd Grade Reading

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Students review cause and effect and will practice identifying causes. (27m 52s)

Division Day Dos | 3rd Grade Math

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Students go over dividing into equal groups. (29m 10s)

Cause and Effect - Day 1 | 3rd Grade Reading

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Students will review cause and effect. They will practice identifying effects. (28m 25s)

Poetry - Day 4 | 3rd Grade Reading

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students will analyze poems using the elements of poetry, sound devices, and more. (27m 56s)

Observing Weather Patterns - Climate | 3rd Grade Science

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Students learn how to synthesize information from multiple non-fiction science books. (28m 15s)

Missing Factor Multiplication | 3rd Grade Math

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Division by using missing factor multiplication to solve word problems (28m 48s)

Lewis & Clark & Corps of Discovery #2 | 3rd Social Studies

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In this lesson we return to the Lewis & Clark Boathouse and Museum in St. Charles. (28m 22s)

Poetry - Day 3 | 3rd Grade Reading

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Students will learn about the different forms of figurative language used in poetry. (27m 51s)

Distributive Property | 3rd Grade Math

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In this lesson, students will be introduced to the distributive property. (29m 11s)

Poetry - Day 2 | 3rd Grade Reading

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Students will learn about the different sound devices used in poetry. (27m 55s)

Poetry - Day 1 | 3rd Grade Reading

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In this lesson, students will learn about the different elements of poetry. (28m 19s)

Commutative Property with Bar Models and Arrays| 3rd Math

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Students will look at an array and determine two equations that it represents. (28m 17s)

9 Times the Fun! | 3rd Grade Math

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In this lesson, students will learn how to multiply by 9. (28m 17s)

Observing Weather Patterns - Recording Data | 3rd Science

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Students explore how to record weather data in tables and graphs. (28m 20s)

Nonfiction: Author's Point of View| 3rd Grade Reading

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Students learn about how authors can put their point of view into the text they write. (28m 8s)

What is Multiplication? | 3rd Grade Math

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Students will be able to identify when to use multiplication by identifying equal groups. (28m 54s)

Nonfiction Texts: Using Context Clues | 3rd Grade Reading

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Students will learn how to use context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words. (28m 2s)

Nonfiction: Fact vs. Opinion | 3rd Grade Reading

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Students will learn the difference between fact and opinion and practice identifying them. (27m 52s)

Arrays - Part 1 | 3rd Grade Math

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Students will learn how to draw an array based on a multiplication equation. (29m)

Change Over Time: Traits, Survival & Adaptation| 3rd Science

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Students go on a notice and wonder walk with Mrs. Norris and her family. (28m 16s)

Point of View - Part 4 | 3rd Grade Reading

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In this lesson, students will review point of view. (27m 55s)

Point of View - Part 3 | 3rd Grade Reading

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In this lesson, students will review point of view. (28m 14s)

Multiply by Zero and One | 3rd Grade Math

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Students write multiplication equations based on groups of objects using zero and one. (29m 3s)

Point of View - Part 2 | 3rd Grade Reading

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In this lesson, students will review point of view. (28m 5s)

Two by Two | 3rd Grade Math

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In this lesson, students will learn to represent multiplication using a bar diagram. (28m 20s)

Point of View - Part 1 | 3rd Grade Reading

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In this lesson, students will learn about the different points of view. (28m 6s)

Nonfiction Text Structures: Sequencing | 3rd Grade Reading

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In this lesson, students will review sequencing. (27m 53s)

Freaky Fraction Finale | 3rd Grade Math

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Identify the unit fraction in order to compare two fractions to one half. (28m 34s)

Change Over Time - Traits of Living Things | 3rd Science

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How both inheritance and the environment influence the traits of living things. (28m 31s)

Causes & Effects of Louisiana Purchase | 3rd Social Studies

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Students will recap the major events from the Louisiana Purchase. (25m 20s)

Nonfiction Text Structures: Compare & Contrast | 3rd Reading

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Students will review comparing and contrasting using a Venn diagram. (27m 58s)

Comparing Fractions - Same Denominator | 3rd Grade Math

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Students will compare fractions with the same denominator. (28m 31s)

Nonfiction Text Structures: Cause and Effect | 3rd Reading

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Students will learn about cause and effect. (27m 54s)

Fractions with Like Denominators | 3rd Grade Math

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Students will be able to practice comparing fractions with like denominators. (28m 15s)

Nonfiction Text Structure: Description Diagram | 3rd Reading

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Students will learn how to create a description graphic organizer. (28m 39s)

Freaky Fractions Compared to One Half | 3rd Grade Math

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Students determine if a fraction is greater than or less than one half. (28m 28s)

Monster Math | 3rd Grade Math

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Students name the fraction as both as a mixed number and improper fraction. (28m 27s)

Identifying the Theme of a Drama | 3rd Grade Reading

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Students will review the elements of a drama. (27m 50s)

Comparing & Contrasting a Drama & Book | 3rd Grade Reading

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Students will review the elements of a drama and compare two texts. (27m 46s)

Whole Numbers Written as Fractions | 3rd Grade Math

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Mrs. Brewer demonstrates fractions greater than one working with whole numbers. (28m 46s)

Identifying the Plot of a Drama | 3rd Grade Reading

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In this lesson, students will review the elements of a drama. (27m 59s)

Fractions Greater or Less Than One | 3rd Grade Math

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Students work through several fractions to determine if they are greater or less than one. (28m 22s)

Elements of a Drama | 3rd Grade Reading

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Students will learn about the different elements of a drama. (27m 54s)

Nonfiction Text Features 4 | 3rd Grade Reading

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Students will review nonfiction text features and main idea. (28m 10s)

Nonfiction Text Features 3 | 3rd Grade Reading

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How to find the main idea of a text and practice finding the main idea of sets of images. (28m 4s)

Life Cycles of Different Animals| 3rd Grade Science

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Students explore and compare chicken and butterfly life cycles. (28m 39s)

Learning About Enslaved People | 3rd Grade Social Studies

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Students will learn the reasons Africans were brought to America as enslaved people. (28m 39s)

Find Equivalent Fractions with a Number Line | 3rd Math

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Students will use a number line to determine if fractions are equivalent. (29m 10s)

Using Multiplication to Find Equivalent Fractions | 3rd Math

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How to use multiplication as a strategy to find equivalent fractions. (28m 6s)

Nonfiction Text Features 2 | 3rd Grade Reading

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Students will explore different text features while listening to a read aloud. (27m 47s)

Nonfiction Text Features 1 | 3rd Grade Reading

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Students will be trainees on the Text Feature Floor in the Nonfiction Hospital. (27m 38s)

Poetry Sound Devices 4 | 3rd Grade Reading

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Students will learn how to identify figurative language in poetry. (28m 4s)

Placing Fractions on a Numberline | 3rd Grade Math

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Join Mrs. Brewer in teaching the essential skill of placing fractions on a numberline. (28m 40s)

Fossils as Evidence | 3rd Grade Science

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Learn about all things ecosystems, including fossils. (28m 22s)

Poetry Sound Devices 3 | 3rd Reading

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Students will learn how to identify figurative language in poetry. (28m 2s)

Naming Fractions on a Numberline | 3rd Grade Math

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Ms. Brewer will build fundamental mathematics skills of naming fractions. (28m 21s)

Poetry Sound Devices 2| 3rd Grade Reading

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How to identify figurative language and learn about different sound devices in poetry. (27m 56s)

Poetry Sound Devices 1 | 3rd Grade Reading

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Students will learn how to identify different sound devices in poetry. (27m 47s)

Find the Fraction of a Set | 3rd Grade Math

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In this lesson, students learn to find the fraction of a set. (28m 25s)

Fractions 4 | 3rd Grade Math

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Students will practice writing and identifying the parts of a fraction. (28m 3s)

Compare and Contrast Nonfiction 4 | 3rd Grade Reading

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Students will learn how to compare and contrast nonfiction texts. (28m 5s)

Animals in Social Groups | 3rd Grade Science

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Students will learn how animals use social groups. (27m 59s)

Fractions 3 | 3rd Grade Math

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Students will explore how to identify and write fractions. (27m 49s)

Fractions 2 | 3rd Grade Math

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Students will practice identifying and writing fractions. (28m 19s)

Compare and Contrast Nonfiction 2 | 3rd Grade Reading

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Students will learn how to compare and contrast nonfiction texts. (28m 3s)

Compare and Contrast Nonfiction 1 | 3rd Grade Reading

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Students will learn how to compare and contrast nonfiction texts. (27m 45s)

Ecosystems and Organisms | 3rd Grade Science

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Students will learn about how different organisms get energy in an ecosystem. (28m 17s)

Comparing Numbers Using Place Value | 3rd Grade Math

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Students will learn how to compare numbers using place value. (28m 35s)

Strategies for Determining Place Value 2 | 3rd Grade Math

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Students review strategies to find the place value of a number. (27m 59s)

Using Expanded Form | 3rd Grade Math

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Students learn how to use expanded form when determining place value. (28m 13s)

Strategies for Determining Place Value 1 | 3rd Grade Math

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Students will explore strategies to determine place value. (28m 19s)

Characters in a Story 1 | 3rd Grade Reading

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Students will use story elements to analyze and understand characters in a story. (27m 51s)

Understanding Habitats | 3rd Grade Science

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Why we see plants and animals in particular habitats. (27m 39s)

Laws, Civil Rights, & Source Types| 3rd Grade Social Studies

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Identify the origins of laws. Define racial discrimination and segregation. (27m 56s)

Parts of Speech in Sentences 3 | 3rd Grade Reading

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How different parts of speech are used in sentences. (27m 52s)

Parts of Speech in Sentences 2 | 3rd Grade Reading

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How different parts of speech are used in sentences. (27m 42s)

Strategies to Solve Addition Problems 1 | 3rd Grade Math

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Use strategies to solve addition problems. (27m 44s)

Parts of Speech in Sentences 1 | 3rd Grade Reading

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How different parts of speech are used in sentences. (26m 59s)

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